Is Elon Musk giving a hint of Tesla’s entry into India?

Just Two days ago Elon Musk again started following Indian prime minister Narendra Modi on tweeter, which could be a hint of Tesla entering India.

Yes, a tweet from a Twitter user @BigTechAlert shares that Elon Musk has started following @narendramodi and @JeffBezos. Now we can expect the only reason which makes Elon Musk follow PM Narendra Modi is to bring Tesla to India.

Now we don’t know the specific reason for Elon Musk followed Modi on tweeter but we can expect that Tesla is again trying to enter the Indian EV market with their Tesla EVs, Where back in 2020 Tesla tried to establish its Gigafactory in India to launch its EVs.

But in 2020 Tesla has not made an agreement with the India government due to the Indin government having allowed Tesla to import its EVs in India through China and Berlin Gigafactory.

Also, India has the highest import duty in the world and if Tesla is allowed to bring its EVs into the country then Tesla EVs price will just become double due to these taxes. And Tesla also, knows it that its hard to sell its EVs in India if its EVs price becomes double because India’s most selling cars are comes under the budget segment.

But due to these import duty taxes Tesla EVs become more expensive in India which does not allow Tesla to make its EVs affordable for Indian customers which could make it hard to sell Tesla EVs in India.

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But right now there are many Indian ministers inviting Tesla to set up its Gigafactory in their states where Tesla has already made a team in India to build the Gigafactory, where they have finalized the land in Karnataka to set up the manufacturing facility.

Overall if Tesla is able to enter the Indian market with its EVs at a reasonable price then Tesla will definitely easily sell its EVs in India.

Now let us know your thought on Tesla EVs in India and whether will Tesla be able to become best selling car in India. The comment section is open to sharing your thought.

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