Recently on Saturday Tesla shared a crash test video of its upcoming Tesla Cybertruck on its various social media platform like Instagram, Twitter, etc. But the video has made many people disappointed know why.
The crash test of the Cybertruck disappointed many people because, in the video, the Cybertruck never crashed. Instead, they repeatedly played the video of Cybertruck moving towards the crash wall in front of it and some people behind the safety glass wall watching it curiously.
But the Cybertruck didn’t crash and they have repeatedly played the video of Cybertruck moving towards the crash wall with different angles.
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It seems like Tesla has made its fans fool again as they made them fools before telling that Tesla has gone bankrupt on April 1 in 2018. This time they have fooled its fans with a never-ending Cybertruck crash test video.
But the Tesla fans are looking a little disappointed and have commented their different opinion on this Cybertruck crash test video which looks like they have not happy with this video.
Overall the video could be a real Cybertruck crash test video but Tesla has brought a fool on its fans on April fool day. But if it is a real video then everyone will be excited to watch the crash rest of the Cybertruk because as Elon Musk said it’s the strongest truck and it’s bulletproof.
So, let us know in the comment below what your opinion is on this never-ending Cybertruck Crash Test video and how strong will be the Cybertruck.